Status: Preserved
Location: An irregular pattern along South Front Street, Wagner Place and Tennessee Street, from Beale Street to G.E. Patterson Avenue (formerly Calhoun Avenue), in Memphis
Built: 1870s-1950
Architectural Style: Neo-Classical Revival, Egyptian Revival, Romanesque Revival, etc.
Original Function/Purpose: Commercial

History: The South Bluffs Warehouse Historic District is a collection of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century warehouses or industrial buildings, many of them utilitarian structures with little architectural embellishment. There are exceptions, however, such as the National Register-listed Tennessee Brewery (Romanesque Revival), as well as Ballard and Ballard Company Obelisk Flour building (Egyptian Revival) and the original Piggly Wiggly headquarters building (Neo-Classical). Nearly two-thirds of the buildings were constructed during the 1900s to 1930s period, and about a third during the 1920s. Many other structures and elements are important additions to the character of the district and its high degree of integrity: the narrow streets, short blocks and wide sidewalks, two unaltered railroad viaducts, etc.

City Council District: 6
Super District: 8
County Commission District: 8