Every year MHI prints a calendar for its members. The last three years featured A. Schwab on Beale, The Orpheum Theatre, and The Malco Theatres. We are pleased to announce that this year’s 2016 calendar highlights many of the Historic Preservation success stories happening in and around Memphis. The repurposed landmarks mentioned in this year’s calendar were built from the mid 19th Century to the mid 20th Century. Using images from the historic Don Newman Photography Collection, this calendar shines a light on some of the latest success stories such as the TN Brewery, The Chisca Hotel, The Lowenstein Bros Building (aka Rhodes Jennings), Sears Crosstown along with many others.

We are honored to dedicate this 2016 MHI Calendar to all our MHI members and supporters past and present for helping keep the spirit of historic preservation alive in Memphis and Shelby County for the last 41 years.


Calendars are available to all MHI members

(one free calendar per membership)


2016 Calendars will also be for sale at local retailers:

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For more information contact Memphis Heritage:
901-272-2727 or email [email protected]