One Vision, Many Voices
Memphis Heritage was proud to join the City of Memphis – Division of Housing and Community Development, in partnership with Orange Mound community stakeholders, in hosting a weekend-long open house inside the Historic Melrose High School located at 843 Dallas Street, October 26th-28th, 2018.
Melrose School was an educational, cultural and civic center of the Orange Mound African-American community. Completed by the New Deal’s Public Works Administration in 1938, this structure added to the original Rosenwald school’s capacity to accomodate students in grades one through twelve. The first senior class graduated in 1946. Well-known for academic programs, theater and sports, the school closed in 1979. Despite being vacant since the early 1980s, Melrose remains a landmark of historical pride in the Orange Mound neighborhood.
The public will have an opportunity to experience what was here and what can be imagined for the future. All ages and all voices are encouraged to join the conversation.
Now that the event has passed, stay up to date on what’s going on at Melrose here: