Status: Preserved
Location: Highland Street / Eastland Drive and Swan Ridge Circle / Walnut Grove Road and Sam Cooper Boulevard, in Memphis
Built: 1941-1950
Architectural Style: Various: Bungalow, Cape Cottage, Minimal Ranch
Original Function/Purpose: Residential

History: High Point Terrace Historic District is an excellent example of a mid-twentieth century middle class suburban neighborhood, even including at its north end the High Point Terrace Shopping Center, an intact example of a post-World War II neighborhood shopping center. Many styles and forms of residences are represented, notably including a Lustron house. Many veterans returning from the war, using loans provided by the Federal Housing Authority, found homes in this East Memphis area that was developed primarily by William Cullen Chandler and his son Charles.

City Council District: 5
Super District: 9
County Commission District: 5