Status: Preserved
Address: 750 East Parkway South, Memphis
Built: 1930
Architectural Style: Art Deco
Original Function/Purpose: Education

History: Fairview Junior High School is an excellent rare intact example of an institutional building in the Art Deco style. The architects were Edward Lee Harrison and Noland Van Powell, and the school was constructed in six months at the height of the Great Depression in 1930 for about $335,000. It served briefly as a hospital for refugees during the great Mississippi River flood of 1937, and has been used continuously for grades seven through nine. In 2012 $8 million of renovations to the school were completed under the direction of architect John Pruett. It is now known as the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy (for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), and some programs are facilitated by Christian Brothers University.
City Council District: 4
Super District: 8
County Commission District: 10