Photo by Judy Waldman placed in her article, “A Shul With A Story: Baron Hirsch Synagogue (Part II)” THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED Stay tuned for more details. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 901-272-2727 × Dismiss alert PRESERVATION POSSE @ the former BaronContinue Reading

Tickets are $10 per program. Click on the program title to purchase tickets. Purchase a ticket and receive a coupon code for 20% off a new membership or membership renewal! March 1, 6-7pm – Tales from a Custom Headstone Designer – Paul West, Owner, West Memorials Have you ever wonderedContinue Reading

By contributing writer Charlie Lambert   We’ve had two of the five Monday night gatherings for the annual MHI Preservation Series. This year the topic is Memphis a Mid-South Movie Hub. Vincent Astor, author, collector, and charter member of MHI, is the main speaker and M.C., offering a variety of movie-related topics to aContinue Reading

Thanks everyone for turning out last night for “Film Row: What the Public Doesn’t See”, our second evening of this years Preservation Series. Look forward to next Monday – “From Films to Stages, Adaptive Reuse” – the re-purposing and maintenance of two historic movie theatre buildings, the Circuit/Memphian building andContinue Reading

The 2015 Memphis Heritage’s Preservation Series will meet on all five Mondays in March from 6.45pm til 8:30pm. In the press: Our theme this year: “Memphis, Movie Hub of the Mid-South” As a  follow up to Vincent Astor’s sold out History of Memphis Movie Theatres (the early years) from twoContinue Reading

Deni Carr Reilly did a marvelous job at tonight’s Memphis Heritage 2014 Preservation Series lecture. We thank her so very much for sharing the wonderful stories about how she and her husband, Patrick, created the great Majestic Grill Restaurant in a historic movie theater ! Originally built in 1913 as theContinue Reading

Charlie Lambert gave a great lecture on the Four Flames and Justine’s restaurants at tonight’s Memphis Heritage Preservation Series. And then he and Betty treated everyone to Dessert Justine’s that they made just for the occasion. A very special evening!  Continue Reading

Take one trendy chic hang-out from NYC, mix it up with a soulful speak-easy, add a pinch of gourmet dining, throw it all into a mid 19th century Victorian styled mansion, shake, serve.What type of cool do you like? Smooth and easy, stay downstairs to vibe to cool vocals, butContinue Reading

The first lecture in our 2014 Preservation Series was terrific. It was a great evening of restaurant reminiscing! Learning new historic facts. Vincent you did a great job! As always thanks for your support!  With Vincent Astor at Memphis Heritage – Howard Hall.Continue Reading