Restaurants in Historic Properties- Past and Present!

2014 Memphis Heritage Preservation Lecture Series is Coming in March

The 2014 Memphis Heritage’s Preservation Series will be meeting on 4 Mondays in March. Our theme this year will be Amazing Restaurants Past and Present that occupy Historic Buildings. Following up on Robert Lanier’s article in the Keystone, we will spend evenings discussing restaurants and their histories. Our presenters will touch on how they were created, what makes them special, what makes them difficult, why are people drawn to the place or is it just the food, what makes them so special and lots more.
Some of the restaurants we will be discussing include Ceilo’s (now Molly Fontaine), Justine’s, The Four Flames, The Arcade, The Majestic Grill, Iris, and The Germantown Commissary to name a few.
Our 2014’s annual series will be panel presentations on
March 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th from 7PM to 8:30PM at Howard Hall, 2282 Madison Ave. at Edgewood. We hope to arrange to get recipes and have a cooking demonstration of some of the most famous dishes from these historic restaurants.

This event was a huge success and is now closed CLOSED!

Memphis Heritage, Inc.
2282 Madison
Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 272-2727.